Project Description
Deloitte’s new offices in Toronto perform as the national headquarters, home to 4,000 staff- with room for expansion within the 27 storey Bay Adelaide Centre East. The interior demon-strates how archi¬tec¬ture, inte¬rior design, art and graph¬ics can all speak the same language to give vital¬ity to a typi¬cally static office into a memo¬rable, engag¬ing envi¬ron¬ment that leads to a posi¬tive user expe¬ri¬ence. Various unique workspaces, lounges and collaboration spaces make up this new “urban hub” created for the Deloitte team that channel the company brand. A feature connecting stair is a place of spontaneous social interaction.
Unassigned seating meant open office spaces were practically and uniformly lit with 3500K energy-efficient recessed troffers and suspended linears. Feature lighting elements are the statement pieces within the public spaces. The project achieved a LEED Gold Certification as a 0.64w per-square-foot LPD.